Monday, May 15, 2006


Expect continuous posts from now onwards. Actually, when I started this blogspot, I wanted to use it as a means to quench my thirst for writing general articles. So, I took a long time to write in the way I wanted it to be. Generally I write only when I feel like writing i.e. when I have the mood to write. But, one of the viewers - Vasanth - pointed out that my posts are too long to read. It is true. Very few people will have patience to read till the last line of my articles. I know that myself but did not bother as I wanted only those few "real" readers who can have the patience to read till the end. But now I feel that my blogspot is not having any posts at all for a long time. So, I have decided to post short posts now and then. Anyhow, I will also post longer ones when I get the mood to write one... Have a nice time reading my blogs!



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